
a village development initiative in partnership with the Lee Family

Country: Uganda

Project Initiation: 2014

Education Opportunities: Nursery and Primary School

Safe, clean water available via deep water borehole

The Lee Family believes very strongly that each student will be instilled with the concept of Pay It Forward so that when students have completed their education they will be empowered to go out and make a difference in their communities and learn to give the same opportunities that they received to others.

From Grass to Grace

The Village of Nyafumba has been transformed from nothing to something magnificent through the generosity of the Lee Family Foundation. The Lee Family are building a lasting legacy for their entire family and impacting generations of Ugandans through their partnership with H4KI and their commitment to provide the best possible education to the children of Nyafumba.

Since 2014, the Lee Family has worked with H4KI to restore hope to the village of Nyafumba, Uganda.

The children of Lee Preparatory Nursery and Primary school come from the Village of Nyafumba and its surrounding areas. Their guardians are primarily subsistence farmers. Nyafumba is located in Tororo District of Uganda near the Kenyan border. This area is very rural, lacks clean water access, and access to schools. Statistics show that only one in 1000 kids makes it to the Secondary School level.

The Lee Family Foundation is partnering with H4KI and the local community to provide nursery, primary and secondary level education to the children in this remote part of the district.

Students Enrolled in LPA
ongoing village development projects
children enrolled in h4ki run schools



Great news, our programs are reaching more kids thanks to you! To continue bringing dignity, health, joy, and love to children around the world, our sponsorship fee for new sponsors will be increasing by $8, starting today. Existing sponsors will keep their rate for the next 3 months.

Have Questions? Reach us at 623-979-5516