Water 4 kids

From thirsty to thriving.

Water 4 Kids International has been bringing hope to disadvantaged children affected by extreme poverty and preventable diseases. Many deadly, oftentimes treatable, diseases result from drinking from unclean water sources. W4KI drills wells in Uganda, South Asia and The Philippines. Clean water is one of the best ways to prevent diseases in remote villages in which an ailment such as diarrhea is often fatal. We strategically drill wells in communities close to primary schools, medical clinics, and trading centers.

No one should have to drink dirty water

More than 300 million people do not have access to clean water. Each day, women and children spend hours walking long distances to collect water from unprotected sources including open ponds, livestock water points, and polluted ditches; they literally have no other option.

Following Malaria and Measles, Dysentery is the #3 cause of death in East Africa. Lack of safe water is responsible for up to 75% of deaths in remote villages. W4KI provides hope to communities by providing safe drinking water.


Over 70% of the earth is covered by water; and yet, 1.1 billion people live everyday without access to clean safe drinking water. The problem is more than just the lack of fresh water, but the inability of many poor countries around the world to access this safe water. Water 4 Kids International is responding to this worldwide crisis by delivering life-saving water solutions to get safe water to people in remote villages around the world.


Oftentimes, the most significant and longest-lasting solution to a remote village’s water problem can be answered with the drilling of a deep water well commonly known as a “borehole”. Boreholes offer clean water below the earth’s surface that can be pumped easily by a small hand pump that does not require any electricity. Water 4 Kids International chooses to only drill deep boreholes (at least 175-300 feet deep) to provide the cleanest safest water available. When properly installed, these wells can last between 30-50 years with little to no maintenance. In addition to drilling a borehole, a water tower can be constructed to offer a more advanced level of water services. From these towers, underground pipes are used to carry water from the tower to on-site buildings in a village like a school, medical clinics, showers or public latrines.


In many areas around the world, the amount of water is not the issue, it is the fact that it is unsafe to drink. Remote islands, low-lying swampy lakes or other areas affected by extreme flooding would really benefit from water filtration systems. These “water filtration” devices are small hand-held instruments about the size of a shoebox that can remove impurities in the water and make it 99.9% safe to drink. These life-saving devices make it easy for villagers to transform their impure water and run it through into their water cans offering safe water for them to drink.


All these ways of responding to the world’s water crisis are the most powerful ingredients in providing safe water, however without education, the efforts will not make the maximum impact. A crucial part of “our” plan is in “sensitizing”, or educating, the villagers the differences between safe water and unsafe water. Water 4 Kids International teaches villagers the importance of good hygiene, proper sanitation, and disease. Dehydration, malaria, dysentery and other preventable and treatable diseases can be reduced if villagers can stay properly hydrated and understand the value of only drinking clean safe water. Our goal is to equip villagers with this life-saving knowledge so they receive the greatest amount of benefits of safe water, while understanding the responsibility of maintaining their borehole to leave a life-saving legacy for generations to come.


Here are some of our most frequently asked questions:

Water 4 Kids International (W4KI) reaches out to the poorest communities in Uganda, India and the Philippines that are suffering from the lack of safe water by providing long-term access to clean water through life-saving deep water wells, rain harvesting and water filtration projects. In addition, W4KI equips and trains recipient villages to maintain their water projects for years to come in order to provide the greatest impact within their community. W4KI also monitors existing wells to make sure they are open and fully functioning, while offering them an opportunity to learn about The Gospel, proper hygiene and basic sanitation.

Villages and surrounding areas with populations ranging from 3,000 -11,000 people will benefit from a single borehole, although we drill wells in other more concentrated areas.

For a donation of $10,500, W4KI can provide fresh, safe drinking water to thousands of people in East Africa or South Asia. For as little as $1 per villager, an entire community can be saved from dysentery for 30 to 50 years.

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Make an impact

For a donation of $10,500, Water 4 Kids International can provide fresh, safe drinking water to thousands of people in rural areas of East Africa or Central India. These people suffer the most, but are geographically the hardest to reach. Our wells are drilled in highly concentrated areas and oftentimes serve multiple villages and communities. Our wells are virtually maintenance free and can last over thirty years.

Circle the Thirsty

Become a part of our W4KI Circle the Thirsty community! Your monthly sponsorship of $30, $50, $100, or more per month will bring clean water faster to thirsty communities.

Give the gift of life!

Our life-saving deepwater wells can be sponsored in the name of families, churches, individuals, schools, or corporations. We’ll provide a plaque and have it installed on the platform of the well. With a financial gift of $2,500 or more, you will be connected to the exact village you are restoring with the gift of fresh water.

You’ll be given the name and location of the village, village demographic information, and photos of their current water source. We’ll provide the details of the distance people in the community walk to the nearest water source and notify you if there is a school or medical clinic nearby.

Your gift is vital

Your financial gift will allow children to spend more time in schools focusing on education, rather than the basic needs of survival. Many daily hours are freed up allowing mothers to be at home with their families or to learn a vocation. Communities receive instant health benefits from a well because many common deadly diseases are prevented and personal hygiene becomes a priority. Join us on a trip and we will dedicate your well while you are traveling with us. Leave a life-saving legacy today!


A Walk 4 Water is a one-day fundraising event centered around a 3 – 4 mile course which symbolizes the average distance traveled by young children and women in search of water. Walk 4 Water events are held throughout the year and across the nation. Learn more about participating in or even hosting a Walk 4 Water in your city.



Great news, our programs are reaching more kids thanks to you! To continue bringing dignity, health, joy, and love to children around the world, our sponsorship fee for new sponsors will be increasing by $8, starting today. Existing sponsors will keep their rate for the next 3 months.

Have Questions? Reach us at 623-979-5516